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Middle School


Middle School - Sixth Through Eighth Grade

San Carlos School offers rigorous academics, spiritual formation, and enrichment opportunities designed to prepare our Middle School students for success in high school and beyond. Students are challenged to strive to do their best in academic endeavors, spiritual activities, and service to others. They are assisted in their growth with daily Religion instruction, a relevant standards-based curriculum, and supportive teachers and staff. As members of a welcoming, faith-filled community, they are armed with a sense of belonging that sustains them as they develop their individual talents and abilities.

San Carlos Middle School Structure

Our Middle School program is departmentalized and is based on an eight-period schedule. Students begin the day in their homeroom class to check in, receive grade level announcements, and address logistics of the day. Following homeroom, students attend classes in their grade-level groups. Spanish, Literature, Social Studies, Science, and Religion are taught in full-class groups. Math, ELA:Writing, Art, and Technology are all divided into half-class groups to provide more individualized instruction.  Math and Writing classes are divided within the grade level to allow for acceleration opportunities for students demonstrating readiness for an increased pace for instruction.  


All students are provided with a school email address linked to a Google account. The account gives them access to Google Classroom, allowing students and parents to keep track of assignments, schedules, and materials through the Google Classroom environment.

Middle School classrooms are equipped with projectors or large screens, speakers, an iPad mini, and teacher computers. The Middle School has 3 full sets of Chromebooks for student use. The internet is accessed through the school network using both ethernet cabling and Wi-Fi. All school internet is processed through our content filter and firewall.  Twice a week, students attend technology classes in the Tech Lab where they make use of Windows desktop workstations.

Our Graduates

The majority of our students continue their education at a number of private high schools in our area. Many of our graduates go on to attend Catholic high schools in our Diocese including Palma High School, Notre Dame High School, St. Francis High School, and Santa Catalina Upper School. Others attend local private and public high schools including York School, Stevenson High School, Monte Vista Christian High School, Trinity Christian High School, and the MAOS, Art Academy, SPARK, and ASB Programs at Monterey High School.

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